
About project

Acibadem Healthcare Group is Turkey’s most valuable private healthcare organization, recognized for its leading position in the healthcare sector. Established in 1991, Acıbadem offers a comprehensive range of healthcare services through its network of hospitals and medical centers. The group is known for its state-of-the-art technology, skilled medical professionals, and commitment to quality patient care.




React.js, Next.js, TypeScript, Animate.css, Webpack, YouTube API, Jest.js

Business solutions

  • streamlines finance, HR, inventory, and patient management.
  • ensures seamless data exchange and system integration.
  • enhances security with robust access control.
  • improves efficiency through task automation.
  • provides a scalable, reliable cloud-based deployment.
  • delivers an intuitive user experience with a modern interface.

Development process

  • designed ERP architecture and data flow models.
  • developed modules for finance, HR, inventory, and patient management with Node.js and Nest.js.
  • integrated with existing software and third-party APIs.
  • implemented secure user authentication and role-based access control.
  • created a robust PostgreSQL database schema.
  • built a user-friendly interface using React.js and TailwindCSS.
  • automated workflows to improve efficiency.
  • conducted automated testing with Jest.js.
  • deployed on AWS for scalability and reliability.
  • produced detailed documentation and user manuals.


Planning and Design

  • create detailed architectural diagrams and data flow models.
  • define core modules for finance, HR, inventory, and patient management.

Development and Integration

  • develop core modules using Node.js and Nest.js.
  • integrate the system with existing software and third-party APIs.
  • implement secure user authentication and role-based access control.

Testing and Optimization

12.2020- 06.2021
  • design and optimize the PostgreSQL database schema.
  • automate workflows and conduct automated testing with Jest.js.
  • build and refine the user interface using React.js and TailwindCSS.

Deployment and Documentation

  • deploy the ERP system on AWS for scalability and reliability.
  • develop comprehensive documentation and user manuals.
  • conduct user training and provide ongoing support.

Main Functionality

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Core Business Modules

Finance Management: Automates budgeting, expense tracking, and reporting.
Human Resources: Manages employee records, payroll, and performance evaluations.
Inventory Management: Tracks inventory, manages orders, and optimizes stock.
Patient Management: Handles patient records, appointments, and billing.
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Integration and Security

System Integration: Ensures seamless data exchange with existing systems and third-party APIs.
Security Measures: Implements secure user authentication and role-based access control.
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Data Management and Automation

Database Design: Uses a robust PostgreSQL schema for data integrity and efficient querying.
Workflow Automation: Automates repetitive tasks to enhance efficiency.
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User Experience and Deployment

User Interface: Intuitive design with React.js and TailwindCSS.
Cloud Deployment: Scalable and reliable deployment on AWS.
Documentation and Support: Comprehensive manuals and ongoing user support.

Contact Us

Please contact us for any further information