
About project

Domu is application that is used in the field of real estate trading using cryptocurrency. The user registers on the site using the Metamask cryptocurrency wallet and, through blockchain, which this technology provides, can add real estate owners conduct transactions for them and distribute the percentage of cryptocurrency invested in real estate among the owners.


09.2022 – 11.2022


React, D3, React-d3-library, React-dropzone, Taiwindcss, Web3, React-google-maps/api, Truffle-contract API, @chatscope/chat-ui-kit-react, Chat GPT API

Business solutions

  • Implemented the UI/UX of the main work flow for adding real estate (including the location of the property using a Google map) and its owners.
  • Implemented the functionality for implementing cryptocurrency transactions between real estate owners and new owners using web3 blockchain.


  • An integrated software cryptocurrency wallet that allows users to store and manage account keys, broadcast transactions, send and receive cryptocurrencies and tokens.
  • Linking the application to Google map.
  • Using AI as a Chatbot Application.


registration flow

  • Implemented UI and functionality of registration flow.

transactions process

  • Implemented UI and functionality of transactions process.

D3 library

  • Statistics implementation with the help D3 library.


  • Chatbot implementation.

Main Functionality

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Home Page

The home page where the process of linking of both owners and lenders to a specifig token begins. First, the client provides some information about the property, then the application is reviewed by a member of the Domu network. Once approved, the client can use the application to manage issued entity tokens.
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Google Maps

Linking data to Google map
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Owner token

After successfully passing the verification by the moderator, the user will have access to a personal account with statistics of c as a percentage.
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Track market statistics

Also in the application you can track market statistics of user tokens.
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Tables of cryptocurrency transactions

Implemented tables of cryptocurrency transactions and token ownership.
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We have added a smart ChatBot based on ChatGPT

Contact Us

Please contact us for any further information