
About project

DueFocus is a highly efficient and feature-packed time-tracker designed specifically for IT professionals. This innovative tool is proven to enhance engineers’ performance and productivity by providing comprehensive insights into their work activities. Additionally, DueFocus offers clients a clear and transparent report on the progress and efforts invested in their projects.




HTML, CSS, React.js, Redux, TypeScript, Node.js, IMAP, MySQL.

Business solutions

DueFocus is a feature-packed time-tracker for IT professionals that is proven to increase engineers’ performance and productivity and give clients a clear report on their work.


  • implemented design wishes via Bootstrap
  • functionalities part were implemented by React.js
  • worked with Gmail API and provide configuration of mailboxes to save it in pdf
  • developed new functionality and components
  • used Cypress testing framework


Planning and Requirements

  • Goal Setting: Define the project vision, objectives, and key deliverables for the DueFocus time-tracker.
  • Requirement Gathering: Collect detailed requirements from stakeholders, focusing on enhancing IT professionals’ productivity and providing clear client reports.
  • Technical Stack Selection: Finalize technologies such as HTML, CSS, React.js, Redux, TypeScript, Node.js, IMAP, and MySQL.

Design and Prototyping

01.2017 - 02.2017
  • UI/UX Design: Create wireframes, mockups, and interactive prototypes using Bootstrap.
  • Design Approval: Validate designs with stakeholders and iterate based on feedback.

Development and Testing

02.2017 - 03.2017
  • Core Functionality Development: Implement core features such as time-tracking, user authentication, and productivity analytics.
  • Email Integration: Integrate Gmail API for mailbox configuration and save emails as PDF.
  • UI Development: Develop the user interface using HTML, CSS, React.js, and Redux.
  • Backend Development: Implement server-side functionalities using Node.js and MySQL.

Launch and Post-launch Support

  • Pre-launch Activities: Finalize content, perform load testing, and ensure all systems are ready for launch.
  • Deployment: Deploy the platform on production servers.
  • Marketing and User Acquisition: Initiate marketing campaigns to attract IT professionals and promote the DueFocus platform.

Main Functionality

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User Profiles and Time Tracking

Sign Up and Login: Enable users to create accounts, log in, and recover passwords.
Profile Management: Allow users to create and customize their profiles.
Time Tracking: Implement robust time-tracking functionalities to monitor work activities and productivity.
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Email Integration and Reporting

Gmail Integration: Configure mailboxes using Gmail API and save email interactions as PDF reports.
Client Reporting: Provide clients with clear, transparent reports on project progress and effort invested, stored and managed in MySQL.
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Productivity Analytics

Data Analysis: Offer comprehensive insights into work activities and performance metrics.
Report Generation: Generate detailed productivity and performance reports for both users and clients.
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Interactive UI/UX and Testing

Responsive Design: Develop a responsive user interface using HTML, CSS, React.js, Redux, and Bootstrap.
Testing and Quality Assurance: Use the Cypress testing framework to ensure high-quality, reliable performance and functionality.
User Feedback and Iteration: Gather user feedback and make iterative improvements to enhance the user experience.

Contact Us

Please contact us for any further information