
About project

Haven’s digital platform empowers homeowners to be in the driving seat of their home finances. And the more they learn, the better you can predict and meet their needs.


06.2022 – Present


React.js, Redux, Gatsby.js, TypeScript, TailwindCSS, Webpack, GoogleAnalitycs, HubSpot API, Node.js, GraphQL

Business solutions

  • adding Stripe API integration ensures secure and seamless payment processing for transactions conducted on the website. This instills trust in customers, reduces payment processing errors, and facilitates smooth transactions, ultimately driving revenue growth
  • developing a financial calculator for users adds value to the website by providing a useful tool for financial planning and decision-making
  • adding Google Analytics trackers provides the client with valuable insights into user behavior and website performance
  • integrating the Hubspot API and configuring marketing settings allowed the client to automate marketing activities, such as email campaigns and lead nurturing. This improves lead generation, customer engagement, and conversion rates, leading to increased revenue and business growth
  • working with the GraphQL API enabled the client to efficiently query and retrieve data from multiple sources. This streamlined data management process results in faster development cycles, reduced data fetching times, and improved overall system performance


  • frontend implementation, where we used TailwindCSS and Gatsby.js to deliver fast and quality results
  • worked with the GraphQL API
  • added Hubspot API and did marketing settings for it
  • added Google Analytics trackers for client behavior 
  • developed financial calculator for the users
  • implemented admin panel with multi-users, dashboards, APIs, and command-line tools
  • documented newly implemented technologies and application functionality
  • did booking system fot the test drive
  • added Stripe API


Initial Setup and Technology Adoption

June 2022 - August 2022
  • Assess and document the existing technology stack, including TailwindCSS, Gatsby.js, GraphQL API, Hubspot API, Google Analytics, Stripe API, and the financial calculator.
  • Conduct training sessions for the development team to ensure familiarity with the technologies and best practices.
  • Set up version control, project management, and collaboration tools to facilitate efficient development processes.

Website Enhancement and Optimization

September 2022 - November 2022
  • Conduct a thorough review of the website’s frontend implementation to identify areas for improvement and optimization.
  • Implement performance enhancements and optimizations using TailwindCSS and Gatsby.js to further improve website speed and quality.
  • Fine-tune GraphQL queries to optimize data fetching and improve overall website performance.

Marketing and Analytics Integration

December 2022 - February 2023
  • Enhance marketing capabilities by further integrating the Hubspot API and configuring advanced marketing settings for targeted campaigns and lead nurturing.
  • Implement advanced tracking and reporting features using Google Analytics to gain deeper insights into user behavior and website performance.
  • Conduct A/B testing and data analysis to optimize marketing strategies and improve conversion rates.

Expansion and Feature Development

March 2023 - May 2023
  • Expand website functionality by adding new features and tools, such as additional financial calculators or interactive components, to enhance user engagement and satisfaction.
  • Develop and implement new APIs or integrations to support expanded functionality and improve data accessibility and management.
  • Enhance the admin panel with additional features, such as customizable dashboards and reporting tools, to streamline administrative processes and improve team collaboration.

Continuous Improvement and Maintenance

June 2023 - Present
  • Conduct regular maintenance and updates to ensure the website remains secure, stable, and up-to-date with the latest technologies and best practices.
  • Monitor website performance, user feedback, and analytics data to identify areas for further optimization and improvement.
  • Continuously iterate on website features and functionality based on user needs and market trends to maintain competitiveness and drive business growth.

Main Functionality

Project Description Image

Secure Payment Processing with Stripe API:

-Integrated Stripe API to ensure secure and seamless payment processing.
-Instilled customer trust, reduced payment errors, and facilitated smooth transactions, contributing to revenue growth.
Project Description Image

Value Addition with Financial Calculator:

Developed a financial calculator for users, providing a valuable tool for financial planning and decision-making on the website.
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Insightful Analytics with Google Analytics:

Integrated Google Analytics trackers to provide valuable insights into user behavior and website performance.
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Automated Marketing Activities with Hubspot API:

-Integrated Hubspot API and configured marketing settings to automate marketing activities.
-Improved lead generation, customer engagement, and conversion rates, leading to increased revenue and business growth.

Contact Us

Please contact us for any further information